I'm a big fan of MOOC's (Massive Open Online Courses). One of the latest I surveyed was Leaders of Learning by Dr. Richard Elmore of Harvard. I found it to be a necessary update of my Educational Leadership course of more than a decade ago from the late beloved Dr. Sergiovanni at Trinity University. One thing Dr. Elmore advised was to find out what one's educational philosophy is (he provides a survey and four domains) and then find an educational environment that closely matches it. He rather emphatically emphasizes that such a tack is necessary for health and happiness. A decade ago following such advice was limited. Today, although still not easy, it is within the realm of possibility to do so. The education sector is expanding to accommodate what were once considered revolutionary perspectives on learning.
I expect to be healthier and happier as I participate in the education sector in a way consistent with my personal paradigm. I'll keep you updated.